312.600.5003 | Get Help With Your Practice Transition

Buyer Due Diligence


Get Help Evaluating & Buying a Dental Practice

Let Us Do The Heavy Lifting

What is buyer due diligence?

Dental due diligence for the buyer involves a thorough and systematic approach to investigating and analyzing the entire purchase opportunity. It is about clearly understanding what you are buying and knowing how to use that information to make an informed decision regarding a practice purchase opportunity.  Unfortunately, no two practices are exactly the same.  It is not possible to know the true nature of a practice by just reviewing the seller’s tax returns.

Our Due Diligence Team will answer these questions and help you address the unique aspects of the practice you want to purchase. After working with hundreds of buyers and sellers over the past 20 years, our consultants have developed a highly detailed 200-item Buyer Protection checklist. The Buyer Protection Checklist was designed to guide the buyer and the Due Diligence Team toward identifying potential opportunities and pitfalls. Using the results of this survey, your Due Diligence Team will work with you to create a Buyer Protection Action Plan specific to your purchase opportunity.


Meet Our Experts

Dental Due Diligence is a dental consulting service provided by the Cutting Edge Practice dental management & dental appraisal professionals with more than 26 years of dental experience.  Our due diligence team will provide a customized approach to analyzing your dental start-up or dental practice purchase opportunity.   Our combined experience and expertise in the clinical, financial, marketing, consulting and staffing areas of dental practice start-up and dental practice acquisition make us uniquely qualified in the industry.  Our team provides a variety of other dental consulting services including start-up consulting, practice transition consulting, marketing consulting and staff training on-line or in-office.  Review our extensive portfolio……

Wendy Pesavento

Sharon Kantor Bogetz

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