Start up assistance or start up due diligence is a rigorous investigation & analysis completed for a proposed dental start-up. During this process, the dentist should confirm all facts material to the site selection, the building, the project funding and pro-forma, the construction project, marketing, equipment and material selection, staffing, as well as short-term and long-term growth opportunities.
Without the proper information, planning, analysis and advice, a dental start-up can result in financial ruin for you and your family. We visit countless practice start-up locations where the doctors have taken on too much space, or they have over-spent, over-built, or over-equipped their offices leaving them no money to market and grow their new practice.
No business runs perfectly all of the time and small issues arise in all dental practices. Our Due Diligence team draws on years of practice sales, consulting, clinical and start up experience to offer practical solutions to manageable issues that arise during the practice sales process. We provide a dental business expertise that will supplement the advise you receive from your accountant and attorney.